Decoupling Microservices

by @tednaleid

Decoupling Microservices

by @tednaleid

Tight vs Loose Coupling
What Kafka is/how it helps
What Hollow is/how it helps


“loosley coupled Service-Oriented Architecture with bounded contexts”

— Adrian Cockcroft (AWS/Netflix)

Bounded Contexts

from Domain-Driven Design, a conceptual model where
a specific domain model applies

Microservices all share a single domain model?

is there a .jar file with domain classes?

You've built a
“distributed monolith”

Watch: “Don't Build a Distributed Monolith
by Ben Christensen (Facebook/Netflix)

Loosley Coupled

Golden Rule of Component Reliability

“any critical component must be 10 times as
reliable as the overall system's target, so that its contribution to system unreliability is noise”

from: “The Calculus of Service Availability”, ACM Queue, Vol 15, Issue 2

Tight Coupling

Services directly calling services

Looser Coupling

some caching, reverse proxy, grace periods, circuit breakers

issues: cache invalidation rules, cold start/cache flush,
emergency changes, race conditions

Ideal Coupling

totally functional during a partition

only thing more "loose" is no dependency at all

#1 thing you can do for scalability and fault-tolerance?

separate your
reads and writes

don't do this if you don't need scalability & fault-tolerance

read requests are many orders of magnitude
more frequent

with exceptions (logging/metrics) where writes are far more frequent

write requests have consequences

cache-invalidation, notifications, etc

decouple and scale reads with materialized views

also called “derived data”

optimized for the query patterns of each microservice

Separate Reads and Writes


A log-based
(append-only) message broker

combines databases (durable storage) and messaging (queuing and publish/subscribe)

Kafka brokers have few* moving parts

focused on speed, reliability, reasonability

*compared to things like JMS, AMQP, RabbitMQ

Producer (API)

Kafka Broker

Consumer (API)

Kafka cluster is made of many brokers

uses Zookeeper for leader-election and broker metadata

brokers have many named topics

replication across brokers configured per topic

each topic has 1..N partitions

producers push data to a topic's partitions

# send message {"id":"123", value: "foo"} with key "123"
echo '123,{"id":"123", value: "foo"}' |\
    kafkacat -P -K ',' -b -t the-topic

message payload is binary data
can be String/JSON/Avro/Protocol Buffers/Whatever

producers can publish lots of data quickly

# send 100,000 messages with key 1 through 100000
# and value {"id": "<#>", value: "bar"}
seq 100000 |\
    awk '{printf "%s,{\"id\":\"%s\", value: \"bar\"}\n", $1, $1}' |\
    kafkacat -P -b -t the-topic -K ','

consistent hashing

messages with the same key always go to the same partition

consumers are pull-based

they maintain per-partition offsets

by default in a special topic called __consumer_offsets

partitions are balanced across a consumer group

max # of consumers for a topic is the number of partitions

consumption is
not destructive

messages have a retention period (default 24-hours)

message compaction keeps one message per key

compaction keeps the latest value per key

How does Kafka enable decoupling?

if a consumer falls behind, the topic acts as a buffer and doesn't stop producers

multiple specialized consumers can be created

Elasticsearch index for searching

JSON payload in S3 buckets for SPA

logging/metrics driven off Kafka

scale to multiple availability zones, datacenters, or even multiple cloud providers

Kafka “MirrorMaker” can mirror the contents of a topic to other kafka clusters

materialized views can be thrown away and rebuilt

great for blue/green deployments

also for replicating data to lower environments

clear separation between writes and reads

triaging a bug?
if it's in kafka, it's downstream, otherwise upstream

What can create materialized views?

simple Java/Groovy app with Kafka consumer libraries

Akka Kafka
Streams app

or Ratpack/RxJava/Spring Reactor something async

stream processing framework like
Spark, Flink, etc

Apache alone has 10+ of these, but they tend to be heavy

Netflix Java API for non-durable in-memory caches

Used in production for over 2 years

“a way to compress your dataset in memory while still providing O(1) access to any portion of it”
- Drew Koszewnik (lead contributor, Netflix)

Kilobytes to Megabytes, often Gigabytes,
but not Terabytes

works hard to minimize heap space and GC impact of updates

not suitable for every kind of data problem

but great for the ones it is a fit for

Single Producer
Many Consumers

Producer requires a Publisher
and an Announcer

Consumer requires an AnnouncementWatcher and a BlobRetriever

Primary Use Cases

read-heavy lookup data where objects change relatively frequently

weekly/daily/hourly, but not every second

Netflix uses it for video metadata

why use this over memcached/redis or a full database?

initial load at startup then resilient to network partitions

fewer running servers/moving pieces
to be available

faster response times,
no network calls,
just memory access

When should you use redis/memcached instead?

data size is
quite large

data changes
very frequently

data must be consistent across servers

Other Considerations

Single Producer

need to think about failover (zookeeper/etcd with leader election, multiple hot producers)


Places to Start


try hollow for simple lookup data

kafka/zookeeper docker-compose + kafkacat

kafka + telegraf/influx for metrics


Learn More Kafka

Confluent's Blog

Learn More Hollow

Hollow's Docs - ideas for “read-after-write consistency” solutions

